Show on map - Privacy Policy

Show on map does not collect and store data when you install the extension. Every time the extension is used, a ping is sent; this is so that I, as a developer, have an idea how often the extension is being used (if a lot of people are using the extension, it's more likely I will spend some time improving it later). With each ping we only sent the language of your system, so that I have some very vague idea on where the users are. If somehow opening the Apple Maps fails, we also send a single ping, in order to be able to find out how often this happens.

Just to be clear, in no way do we log or store any of the following data:

Timestamp, IP address, url and referrer when is accessed

Every time a page is requested on, the timestamp and IP address, the requested URL and the referrer for this request is logged. This data is used to defend against attacks, and for statistical analysis on how much the website is used.

The data is stored in the AWS Cloud in the USA. The data is not shared with any third party, unless this is required by law.

Mail sent to contact address

All mails sent to the contact address (including all headers) are saved on Gmail. This is done in order to provide proper support.

The data is stored in the Gmail Cloud. The data is not shared with any third party, unless this is required by law.

Customer rights

As a customer you have the right to view what data was collected from you, as well as ask for its removal. In order to make a request, send an email to

Third parties

When you open the Apple Maps app, you communicate with Apple servers; note that Apple Maps is governed by its own privacy policy.

Both this website, and the app use Privacy Friendly Analytics Platform Insights. Please feel free to consult it's privacy policy.

Just to make it clear: the extension and this page are both completely clear of trackers such as Google, Facebook or anyone else who gives free stuff in exchange for your data.